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Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Beginning!

I am so excited!  My job was eliminated on November 17th!  To some this may come as devastating news.  For me, it was music to my ears.  Besides giving me the opportunity to leave a job I didn't like and was miserable in for the last 4 years, now my dream of becoming a work-at-home mom is a reality.  I simply love my new schedule.  I get to take the kids to school.  Then I come home and start working at about 9:00... feet up, tv on, jammies on, laptop on lap.  I take breaks periodically but not often since I'm doing something I love.  I work until 2 pm or so then I shower for the day, do some light cleaning and start dinner all the while my husband is picking up the kids from school.  A couple times a week I'll join him.  Granted that's only week 1 so we'll see how the schedule changes.  But the wonderful thing is that I have the flexibility to change it. 


  1. I'm so glad that you have an incredible view of the opportunity that has come your way! Thank you for the comment and I am now following! You can also connect with a lot of other moms who work at home on the community I've created...

    Don't be a stranger! :)

  2. is actually how I found your blog. Just signed up with your site. Thanks for checking out my blog!
